plano plumber

Are you Overlooking these Bathroom Maintenance Issues?

The bathroom is one of the most heavily used rooms of the home, and yet it’s easy to overlook maintenance issues that could quickly become a major headache.


Here’s our advice at Castle Doctor: look at your bathroom with fresh eyes this week and evaluate your home for these common bathroom maintenance issues:

·      Shower Caulking and Grout: Caulking and grout are essential to keep water out of places it isn’t supposed to be! Look around the bottom of the tub and around the shower door; is there a thick bead of caulk visible? Any place where you see that grout is gone, loose, or mold stricken, then you know it’s time to re-grout or re-caulk your shower. Otherwise, aim to do this about every year-2 years.

·      Toilet: Every time you clean the bathroom, use a cleaning rag to test for water around the bottom ring of the toilet. If you find that the area is damp, consider it an early sign that the sealing ring is in need of replacement by a professional handyman. Also, here’s an old plumber’s trick: lift the lid off the back of the toilet periodically to see if anything seems off. If so, call a Plano plumber immediately before the issue worsens.

·      Sink: The bathroom sink can harbor a lot of bacteria and mold, and much of that starts in the drain. Pull the drain plug out completely and clean on a regular basis in order to avoid clogs and mold buildup in your sink. Also inspect around the faucet for leaks.

·      Exhaust Fan: If you want to keep your bathroom humidity levels low and mold at bay, be sure to clean the exhaust fan out on a regular basis to aid in the airflow throughout the bathroom.

If you suspect you ned bathroom repair, call Castle Doctor in Plano, Texas today for a free in-home consultation. We’re a handyman, plumber, and carpenter all in one – providing all the services you need to keep your bathroom (and entire home!) in impeccable condition.

bathroom repair plano castle doctor

Fix a Leak Week: March 14-20, 2016 - Castle Doctor Plano

During the week of March 14th, the Environmental Protection Agency wants you to remember to check your home for leaks and get any potential leaks fixed. The Fix a Leak Week campaign is sponsored by the EPA in an effort to cut down on annual household water waste – waste that is in the upwards of 1 trillion gallons annually!


Get the Facts


Are water leaks really that big of a deal? Here are just a few stats released by the EPA on water leaks each year:


·      The average household leak can waste as much water as you would need to wash 270 loads of laundry.

·      The water wasted annually by American households is equal to the annual household water use of 11 million homes nationwide.

·      Homeowners can save about 10% on water bills by addressing water leak issues.


Leak Detection Tips


So how is a homeowner to detect common water leaks?  Here are a few tips:


·      Analyze Common Culprits: There are certain fixtures in the home that just tend to leak more. Be sure to check for drippy faucets, leaky valves on the exterior of the home, and worn out toilet flappers.

·      Check Winter Water Usage Stats: In the winter, your water usage should be more consistent; therefore, it’s a good time to analyze the numbers. A family of four should not use any more water than 12,000 gallons per month. If your water usage is higher, there is a good chance you’ve got a leak somewhere.

·      Check the Water Meter: Check your water meter, don’t use any water for 2 hours, and then check it again. If the number is not exactly the same, then there is a leak.

·      Food Coloring Check: Toilets are common leak culprits. You can find out if yours is an issue by putting food coloring in the toilet tank. If after 10 minutes the food coloring has migrated to the toilet bowl – without any flushing – then there is a leak somewhere.


Castle Doctor in Plano, Texas wants to help you find and fix leaks in your home! Take advantage of Fix a Leak Week and give the experts in leak repair in Plano a call! Our handyman service is second to none. We can find the leak, fix it, and then recommend other preventative measures – like replacing worn out gaskets, showerheads, etc. Our team does it all! Give the best handyman in Plano a call today!


fix a leak week plano castle doctor

Are Your Outdoor Faucets Winterized?

The weather is getting cooler in North Texas, and it’s important that your home is ready for the winter weather. We’ve already had quite a few nights that have dropped down into the thirties!


One commonly overlooked part of home winterizing is the care taken to winterizing your outdoor faucets. Many homeowners – particularly in North Texas – don’t realize this is necessary, but that is completely false.


In order to avoid issues with your pipes and damage to your water lines, follow these easy steps to get your outdoor faucets ready for cooler weather:


1.     Disconnect the Garden Hose: Walk around the property and find all outdoor hose bibbs. Whether your hose bibbs are frost-proof or not, it’s always a good idea to remove the hose from the spigot anyway. This ensures that water will not get trapped in the line and cause damage.

2.     Properly Store Your Garden Hose: Once removed, untie any knots or kinks in the line, then allow all standing water to drain freely from the hose. Once the water is removed, it’s best to coil the hose up like a snake for storage in a warm, dry place. Before storing, inspect the hose for leaks or tears. Many hoses are under warranty and can be replaced free of charge – you’ll just need to check with your manufacturer.

3.     Inspect the Hose Bibb for Leaks: Hose bibbs can get leaks from time to time, and a knowledgeable Plano handyman can help you locate the issue and repair those if necessary. If you see an issue, give Castle Doctor a call right away for a speedy repair before the winter months roll in.

4.     Drain the Line: You’ll want to make sure all water is removed from the line by shutting off the supply line, then turning on your outdoor faucet to let that water run freely. Even if you do have a frost-proof hose bibb, this step ensures that no issues occur.

5.     Take Extra Precautions: Invest in an insulated hose bibb cover (found at your local hardware store) or upgrade to frost-proof hose bibbs.


Not sure you have the time to winterize your faucets? Want to install front-proof hose bibbs? Castle Doctor in Plano, Texas can help! Give us a call today to help with all of your Plano handyman needs!