home repair issues

The Risks of Putting off Home Maintenance - Castle Doctor

It starts innocently enough. You notice some warping, sagging, and cracks in the fascia board on the exterior of your home. You tell yourself, “I’ll get to it one of these days.” Without maintenance, the issue worsens, water damage occurs, insects get in, etc. and what could have been a simple fix is now costing you thousands to repair.

Castle Doctor sees this situation play out time and again, and our goal is to educate our clients on the risks involved when home maintenance is prolonged:


Risk #1: Reduction in Home Value

According to home appraisal experts, a home can lose up to 10% of its appraised value when maintenance is neglected. In Plano, Texas, where the average home price is $385,000, this could mean a reduced value of over $30,000! When a home looks worn out or in need of obvious repairs, an appraiser quickly takes note. This not only affects the current value, but the economic age of your Plano home as well.


Risk #2: Missed Appreciation Potential

Homes in North Texas sell extremely well and appreciation is almost a given, but just like your home can lose value due to non-maintenance, it can also appreciate less. Don’t risk losing money on your greatest asset by missing routine maintenance.


Risk #3: Costly Repairs Down the Road

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Performing routine maintenance now alleviates stress and prevents costly issues in the years to come.


How do I get started?

Want to change the way you view home maintenance in Plano? Start by calling Castle Doctor! Our team will offer a free in-home consultation, at which we can address all your concerns and do a walk-through of your home. From there, Castle Doctor will create a home maintenance plan perfectly tailored to your needs. We partner with you to provide the best home maintenance service in Plano, hassle and stress free. 


home maintenance service plano texas